Get The Most Out Of Your Existing Appliances
2nd October 2020
As the dark nights are creeping in, most people are finding ways to reduce
their energy bills. We have put together some helpful tips below.
Washing machine and dishwasher
Most of the energy used by a dishwasher and washing machine is for water
heating, by running these appliances at a lower temperature setting you
will save on your energy costs. Make sure they are filled up before
switching them on to avoid wasting water and energy.
Tumble dryer
Tumble dryers are big energy guzzlers so dry clothes on a clothes horse or
washing line on warm or dry days. When you do use a dryer, try to put heavy
and light clothes into separate loads.
Fridge / Freezer
Don’t leave the fridge door open for too long while getting food. For every
10- 20 seconds the door is open it takes 45 minutes for the fridge to cool
down to its original temperature.
Don’t put warm or hot food straight into the fridge or freezer. The fridge
or freezer has to work extra hard and draw more energy to cool it down.
Thawing food in the fridge is better for keeping your food safe to eat and
keeps the fridge cool.
Defrost the inside of your freezer at least every 6 months to help it run
Having your boiler serviced once a year will make it more reliable, safer
and run more efficiently. When you are having your boiler serviced ask your
plumber to explain the settings and how to use them correctly.
For more helpful tips pop into your local Expert Hardware store