As the cold weather is slowly creeping in, so are spiders into our homes.
Many of you have been experiencing some strange black droplets that are
left behind by our crawly friends, and were shocked to find out that it is
actually “spider poo!!”

To try and keep our eight legged friends out of our homes, we have put
together some hints and tips below.

  • Turn off the porch light. When you leave the porch light on, insects
    gather on the porch. Spiders follow the insects and end up at the front
    door. Eliminate the spiders food source by not attracting bugs in the first
  • Reduce Clutter. Spiders find refuge in warm piles of clothing. Keep
    clothes neatly hung in the wardrobe and keep the floor as clutter free as
  • Keep food tightly sealed. Try not to attract other pests such as ants.
    These insects attract more spiders. Sweep the kitchen floor every night if
    you can, to remove any crumbs etc
  • Seal any cracks in the house. Carefully examine the house for tiny cracks
    that spiders can slip through. Caulk the cracks to seal them and prevent
    spiders from entering. Look closely at windows and doors to ensure they are
    also adequately sealed
  • Eliminate egg sacs. If you find a spider, search the area for egg sacs.
    One spider can mean many more in just a few weeks time. Look for small,
    whitish sacs that resemble cocoons. Remove them with a hoover if you find
  • Natural repellents. Eucalyptus, mint oil and lemon scents repel spiders.
    Apply oils to areas where you typically find them in your home

If you have other pests in the home besides spiders, Call your local Expert
Hardware store and talk to one of our Expert staff members.