Declutter Your Attic
18th December 2020

As many of you will have had the daunting task of getting the Christmas tree down from the attic, we’re sure every time you get up there the thought “ I must get up and organise everything” pops into your head!
As most of us have some extra time on our hands this year, stop procrastinating and finally bite the bullet to get up and face the dreaded tasks at hand.
- Before you begin removing the clutter you first need to decide how you will
get the boxes down. We suggest just bringing one box down at a time. Try sort each box at a time, as having multiple boxes can get messy and the job not finished properly - Create sections. Donations, keep, sell and dump should cover all. Do not create a “ not sure”, box you will be “not sure” of a lot of items. It’s best to make a decision there and then and be done with it
- Set yourself a time limit. This will keep you motivated to get it done in the time set
- Blast the music and get stuck in
- Once you have all your items in the correct categories don’t loose momentum you still need to place the “keep items” in their new home
- Put “keep” items in their places now or if they are going back into the attic, categorise all the items into rooms. Example – sitting room and kitchen, so when you need a particular item you only sort through that box and not a tonne of boxes unlabelled!